Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sunsets, Christ's Return, and Bradford Pears

The sun is setting. Rays break through the parting clouds, giving a glimpse beyond - beyond this world, beyond this life. I am reminded that day coming when once more the clouds will part in a more glorious, more wonderous way. On that day the vision will be 10, 100, 1000 times more majestic; beyond my imagination. Now I see in part, then I will see in full. Trumpets will sound announcing a new heaven, a new earth, but the same King. Now I must see him and know him by faith; then I will see Him - the image of the invisible God - face to face! I am reminded that I was made for one Person and one place. Come Lord Jesus...

The sun continues to set, the rays drift off becoming less and less distinct. In the same way, I know that this glimpse will soon fade from my memory. Oh, Lord thank you for the beauty of creation, continue to bring these reminders of eternity. He gently reminds me I do not have to wait even for the next sunset...all the reminders I need are written in his Word.

These were my thoughts as I walked through my neighborhood tonight at dusk. Right as I glimpsed the rays breaking through the clouds and thought of that glorious day, I was walking down a street lined with Bradford Pears in full bloom. They are beautiful this time of year and I know that God has created them and all his creation is good.... but my first thought was.... "I am sure that on That Day when Christ returns in glory, it will not smell like Bradford Pears."


Melissa Joy said...

That was a beautiful reminder. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Ahh...Sunsets. I think some of my most reflective times in life have been during sunsets... Isn't it amazing how much the beauty of nature prompts our thoughts, attention and affection towards God? Truly his nature is revealed to us through creation. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy the peace of creation in the midst of hectic days! Although, Bethany, you have made me curious - I have admired the blooms from afar but I don't think I have ever been close enough to one of NC's famous pear trees to know what it smells like :)

Matt Promise said...

Thank you Bethany for giving us a glimpse into your heart as you pondered the things of God doing something ordinary, and yet not so ordinary, as you meditated on that wonderful truth of the Son of God, Jesus, returning to His earth, in power and splendor. Acts 1:9-11 says, "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, 'Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.' "

Praise God! Thank you Bethany