"Let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen." (Psalm 72:19)
This is a great request. There are times when a prayer for one man is enough to stagger us. But how far-reaching was the psalmist's intercession! "Let the whole earth be filled with his glory." It does not leave out a single country, however crushed by the foot of superstition; it includes every nation, however barbarous. For the cannibal as well as for the civilized, for all climates and races, this prayer is uttered. The whole circle of the earth that it encompasses omits no son of Adam. We must be up and working for our Master, or we cannot honestly offer such a prayer. The petition is not asked with a sincere heart unless we endeavor, as God helps us, to extend the Kingdom of our Master. Is this your prayer? Turn your eyes to Calvary. Behold the Lord of Life nailed to a cross, with the crown of thorns upon His brow, with bleeding head and hands and feet. Can you look upon this miracle of miracles, the death of the Son of God, without feeling a marvelous adoration that language never can express? When you feel the blood applied to your conscience and know that He has blotted out your sins, you are not a man unless you fall to your knees and cry, "Let the whold earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen." Can you pretend to love your Prince and not desired to see Him as the universal Ruler? Your faith is worthless unless it lead you to pray that the same mercy which has been extended to you may bless the whole world.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Extending the Kingdom of God...
Earlier this month I read this in Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, and it has continually come back to my mind... Here it is... I will write more later on how I have been affected by what it says...(I added the bold emphasis)
Monday, August 21, 2006
Welcome to 2nd Grade
I am two weeks into my new job at Cary Christian School! Of course, it has been an adjustment and I was exhausted for the first week and a half, but I am enjoying it! I am finally starting to get into a routine and learn what I should do and where I should be, etc... as well as learning the names of 40 2nd graders :)
I am a teacher assistant, so I work in two 2nd grade classrooms. Technically I am in one classroom in the morning and one in the afternoon, but I have learned that that is flexible and I really should just be wherever they need me. The first day was staff orientation, then we had 'back to school day' where students come to meet the teachers, then I had 4 days of working as assistant before they asked me to subsitute for one of the teachers for two days! I was happy to have the opportunity teach, even though I still didn't know what a normal day was like as an assistant. But, now I do...here's a summary of my job...
I am a teacher assistant, so I work in two 2nd grade classrooms. Technically I am in one classroom in the morning and one in the afternoon, but I have learned that that is flexible and I really should just be wherever they need me. The first day was staff orientation, then we had 'back to school day' where students come to meet the teachers, then I had 4 days of working as assistant before they asked me to subsitute for one of the teachers for two days! I was happy to have the opportunity teach, even though I still didn't know what a normal day was like as an assistant. But, now I do...here's a summary of my job...
- I get there at 7:45am (the earliest I have ever started work!) the first week I had to be out at morning carpool, but last week I learned that I do not have to continue with that (yea!)
- I make copies, laminate, file, and do whatever else needs to be done to prepare for the lessons (usually involving a lot of running from classroom to copy room to another classroom to staff workroom to front office, etc...)
- I was excited the first day to find out that I have my own desk (actually two, one in each classroom). They are small, but it is just nice to have my own space, although I am still trying to figure out the best way to keep two desks organized and efficient.
- I just started grading, I think I will be doing a lot more of that as the year goes progresses.
- The most exciting parts of the day are morning recess and lunch recess! This is where I get the most interaction with the kids :) I take them outside in the morning to supervise snack and recess, and at lunchtime for the same thing. During these times the third 2nd grade class is also out, so there are a toal of 60 children - thankfully there is also another assistant out to help! I am learning to be strict and firm.
- Then, at the end of the day we all (teachers, students, assistants) go outside for carpool. I am looking forward to cool weather :) After that it is back to the classroom to sweep, clean up, and get ready for the next day! I am supposed to get off at 3:15pm, but have not yet left before 3:30pm. It is getting closer, though.
- 1st day of school... all the K-2nd grade classes are in their dress uniforms filing into the gym by class singing their school song which is in Latin! Of course, I was standing alongside them humming and pretending to sing since I didn't know the song. (don't worry, I've got it down now)
- Being called Mrs. Coda...("umm, actually it is Miss Coda, unless my mom is here"). Needless to say, there are only a few single teachers in the school.
- I have learned to count by 7's to the tune of "Yankee Doodle", as well as learning the North Carolina has a state dog (the Plotter Hound).
- The best part is the kids...
- Tyler bringing in his guinea pig, 'Rich', for show and tell. Teacher: "So, Tyler, have you had him long?" Tyler: "Oh, yeah! I got him yesterday." The best part is that Tyler had told me a week ago he was going to be bringing a guniea pig for show and tell :)
- When I was teaching, we were talking about geography:
- Me: "the United States is located between Canada and Mexico"
- (little boy raises his hand), "Yes, Michael..."
- Michael: "The United States doesn't like Mexico, because they have aliens that come in." Somebody's family watches the news...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Sorry for the extended absense...
The last two weeks have been a whirlwind! It may take a few posts to update on everything, I'll just try to hit the high points :)
I had a wonderful time at Oak Island with my family! Joy & Daniel & Ava were there for the first few days...Ava's first Coda vacation :)

Joy & Dan were also champions of our new family game - Bocci Ball... I think all the pictures from that are on Joy's camera.
We were blessed to be able to meet up with our friends, the Hecks, who were also at Oak Island. They generously shared their boat with us! We had a great time fishing and tubing...

During the second half of the week my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins came to stay with us. They also were kind enough to bring their boat. This time we tried water skiing... lots of fun! Especially for the 15 seconds that I was up on the skis :) Unfortunately during that 15 seconds the camera wasn't working, so there is no picture.
And, of course, we had our traditional Coda vacation seafood feast...

I left a day early to start my job... (for those who've requested it, I will be posting about that tomorrow, but now I must get to bed because the day starts early!)
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